What To Do In Reine Lofoten?

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Houses in front of mountains near a lake - What To Do In Reine Lofoten?

If breathtaking, scenic vistas are your ideal vacation, look no further than the quaint village of Reine. Located in the heart of the Lofoten archipelago, this Norwegian residential area is one of the most famous aspects of the country.

There are many things to do in Reine for the easygoing explorer, but hiking and boating trips often top the list amid the area’s natural beauty.

Read on to learn more about this traditional area tucked away from most of the world, what to do while you visit, the best time to visit, and more.


Traditional Activities in Reine?

Reine celebrates many, if not all, of the same traditions that the rest of Norway does, so you might be able to time your trip to take advantage of particularly popular cultural traditions.

For example, Norway’s Sankthansaften (also known as Jonsok or Sankt Hans) is the country’s midsummer tradition, typically taking place on or close to the longest day of the year – the summer solstice.

You can expect to pick flowers like marigolds and celebrate around a bonfire well into the night, even though it remains bright.

The Reine Center of Arts and Culture is another point of interest, housed within the village’s former school. They have various works of art from Eva and Karl Erik Harr, as well as host literature events in the summer.


When Should You Visit Reine Lofoten?

While Reine is beautiful all year round, it is definitely worth planning trips around specific sights and times. However, if you’re hoping to get the most out of sightseeing and be outside for much of the day, you will enjoy visiting in the summer.

The warm season in the area extends from the end of June to the beginning of September, but even then, temperatures don’t usually break 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, those who visit places close to or in the Arctic Circle often intend to see the Northern Lights. These are usually visible between September to April.

The coldest and wettest times tend to be from November to April, so if you wish to see the Northern Lights, your best shot is likely from September to October.


Food You Should Try

Reine is a foodie traveler’s dream. There are sure to be traditional foods to sample, but you can probably sample these dishes elsewhere in Norway as well. You want a truly special experience from food when you have the selection available in Reine.

Seafood is an absolute must-try during a stay in Reine. There are several boating trips with local fishermen that you can join. Being able to help secure your food is something few people can say they have done in today’s modern economy.

In addition, exciting meals are served by professional chefs like Roy Magne and Halvar Ellingsen at places like the Lofoten Food Studio. These events are usually heavily booked, so plan far in advance if you are interested.


How Long Should You Stay in Reine?

Usually, a vacation is a whirlwind tour of all the greatest a city or country has to offer, but in Reine, you might be able to enjoy a change of pace.

Even at a pretty leisurely rate of two or three attractions per day, you should be able to comfortably say you enjoyed a week-long stay.

You may find that a week is not nearly long enough to soak in your surroundings, while others may squeeze in as many things as possible during a three or four-day stay. It may depend a lot on the ongoing events during your visit and the weather while you stay.


Should You Visit if You Don’t Like Cold Weather?

While most people would give Reine a seal of satisfaction, even in the cold weather, you may be particularly sensitive to the harsh temperatures. This is especially true since the area rarely experiences temperatures above a cool 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

It is easier, however, to warm up than it is to cool down. Therefore, plenty of activities in and around Reine involve being physically active, which will warm you up.

You can always bring extra layers of clothing, and things like saunas can also be found to warm you back up if you do experience a cold snap.


Final Thoughts on What To Do In Reine Lofoten

The Lofoten archipelago and the surrounding fjords are some of the most picturesque areas on the planet. While it is small, the village of Reine is readily equipped to handle tourists even during the off-season.

Remember to plan a visit based on what you want to see – most of the area will be best viewed during the summer months. Embrace nature and your wild side as you hike, kayak, and generally sightsee the wondrous beauty of the area.